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Podcasting Trends

Adam Bowie - Business Development Manager, BBC World Service, UK – spoke about trends in podcasting across formats, platforms and revenue opportunities.

Adam Bowie - Business Development Manager, BBC World Service, UK – spoke about trends in podcasting across formats, platforms and revenue opportunities.

He spoke about Spotify, and their purchasing of companies such as Gimlet and Anchor. He said they’ve become a major player in the podcast market and are taking podcasts seriously. And he said that Google and Apple are placing emphasis on podcasts too. Big companies are putting big money into podcasting, because they see its potential. He reminded us that most of the world are yet to discover podcasting. 

And he discussed podcasting trends such as daily new podcasts. 

He talked about podcast revenue; he said that global podcast revenue is on track to increase by 22% to 1.6 billion from 2018, by 2021. There are new revenue models and new types of podcasts all the time. 

And he spoke about the future of podcasting distribution – and the possibility of exclusive podcasts as opposed to open podcasts, which are available everywhere. There’s not one app where you can listen to everything.