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International Podcasts: Germany

Podcast snapshot - Germany's top 10!

This week's International snapshot is on Germany. 

Germany's media outlets reacted quickly to the podcasting trend and thus, most successful German-language podcasts are spin-offs of established media: "Was jetzt?" (Now what?) by Die Zeit Online or "Eine Stunde History" (One hour history) by Deutschlandfunk Nova. And the most popular German podcast "Fest and Flauschig" (solid and fluffy) by the comedians Jan Böhmermann and Oli Schulz, for example, were originally broadcast on the Berlin based Radio Station Radio Eins.

Here are the current top 10 podcasts in Germany based off the iTunes charts.  If you have any personal favourites, hit us up on socials and let us know! Register for Radiodays Podcast Day Today!

Current Top 10

See full chart